Week 2 Day 2

jQuery UI Accordion - Default functionality

Part 1      DAILY DIALOG                                          (Click to Open/Close)

Welcome to Week 2 Day 2 Part 1!


     Listen to the Avatar say the dialog a few times until you're comfortable with it. Then click on the little microphone icons and say each line. Practice until the words you say match the dialog.

Read each line out loud several times. Then, click on the little microphone and say it to the computer.  (The microphone icon is sometimes unresponsive, you may have to click it more than once to start it or reset it. Don't give up!)

1. SAY: Are you doing alright?

2. SAY: Would you apply pressure, please?

3. SAY: Here's a bandage (some tape) for you.

4. SAY: After I label these tubes, we’ll be all finished.

5. SAY: Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Part 2      TODAY'S TUBE AND LINK TO WORKSHEETS                      (Click to Open/Close)

Welcome to Week 2 Day 2 Part 2!

It's time for our last Plasma Tube!

     Today we;re learning about the Dark Blue (or "ROYAL" Blue) Tube.
The tube with THREE PERSONALITIES! There is a red type, a green type and a lavender type. Can you guess what their additives are? (Hint: None, Na Hep and EDTA, respectively!) The Dark Blue tubes are used to measure trace elements (copper, zinc, lead, etc.) in the blood and are made of ultra-pure materials to reduce the chance of false positives. Check the worksheets folder (link below!) for more information!

     Visit this link and print and complete the relevant worksheet(s).

Part 3       PST! PRICELESS STUDY TIP                         (Click to Open/Close)

Welcome to Week 2 Day 2 Part 3!

Why don't you take a moment to review all of the tubes you've had so far? You've learned about 8 of the 10 that we cover in this program. (Three serum tubes and five plasma tubes) Do you have them all straight. Do you know them backwards? If I ask you for a PST would you know which tube to give me? How about a trace elements tube? How about an oxalate tube? Work with a friend and test each other. Remember, this is a good time to take a "tough love" approach and really make them work for the right answer.

Part 4      LAB SKILLS                                                    (Click to Open/Close)

Part 5      KNOWLEDGE BASE/TERMINOLOGY                 (Click to Open/Close)