Week 2 Day 5

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Part 1      DAILY DIALOG                                          (Click to Open/Close)

Welcome to Week 2 Day 5 Part 1!


     Listen to the Avatar say the dialog a few times until you're comfortable with it. Then click on the little microphone icons and say each line. Practice until the words you say match the dialog.

Read each line out loud several times. Then, click on the little microphone and say it to the computer.  (The microphone icon is sometimes unresponsive, you may have to click it more than once to start it or reset it. Don't give up!)

1. SAY: Scene is safe! My gloves are on and my CPR shield is available.

2. SAY: Sir (Ma'am), can you hear me? Are you okay?

3. SAY: Hey you in the red shirt. Would you go call 911?

4. SAY: Can you find me an AED and bring it here?

5. SAY: I might need your help, so please come back.

Part 2      CPR TIPS and TECHNIQUES AND LINK TO WORKSHEETS            (Click to Open/Close)

Welcome to Week 2 Day 5 Part 2!

Moving on to CPR and First Aid and Venturing into the CLOUD!

     We're done with the tubes, so it is time to turn our attention to CPR and FIRST AID. You must successfully complete this unit or you won't be eligible to go to a clinical site or complete the program! Our trainers will be with us for just three days and there will be written or practical testing every day! This is "healthcare provider level CPR and First Aid, so it is a little more involved than any training that you may have already had. Follow the link below to the "62 CPR and 1st Aid Questions" worksheet. You can type the answers to your questions "in the cloud" and then print a copy when it's all complete.

     Visit this link and answer the questions that have been assigned to you in the CLOUD. When everyone has finished, we'll be able to print our own copies.

Part 3       PST! PRICELESS STUDY TIP                         (Click to Open/Close)

Welcome to Week 2 Day 5 Part 3!

     Get ready to use your "outdoor voice" during CPR and 1st Aid practice. You will need to speak loudly, clearly and be confident if you want to have people get you an AED and help rescue somebody! Go over these dialogs and find the answers to your questions this weekend! You won't regret it!

Part 4      LAB SKILLS                                                    (Click to Open/Close)

Welcome to Week 2 Day 5 Part 4!

     During CPR and 1st Aid training, we will do our blood draws in the morning, during the I-BEST hour. Please try to make it a point to come, so you can keep up your skills and do well in CPR/1st Aid!

     Here is a link to some CPR/1st Aid slides and multilingual glossaries that you can use before the training starts to get prepared. Please review them when you can.

Part 5      KNOWLEDGE BASE/TERMINOLOGY                 (Click to Open/Close)